Friday, June 25, 2021

The Inadequacy of the Messenger

 For anyone who knows me well, you know I'm a big fan of listening to Chip Ingram from Living on the Edge Ministries. It's a great way to get my day started, and I am daily challenged by his teaching. One of his messages recently broadcasted, really struck a chord with me. The point he chose to drive home was this: the power of the gospel is in the message, not the messenger.

Maybe like me, you often feel inadequate to share the good news of the gospel  with others. You feel that one better suited may be the preacher in your church, the famous author who cranks out best sellers, or the missionary with the huge following in remote areas across the globe. It's easy to feel that they have a much larger platform, making us feel inferior to share the best news we know. 

Somedays it is hard as I approach even a simple blog post. Does what I say even matter? So many other authors are so much better at writing than I am. Even within the ministry of the devotional website I manage, I wonder at times if it's making a difference. And maybe you wonder the same in your circle of influence. It can cause feelings of insecurity or insignificance that comes from one source: Satan. 

Maybe you don't write, speak publicly or have a specific mission you're involved in. But here is the encouragement for you—you still carry the Voice of the Messenger. Whatever you feels disqualifies you is simply inaccurate. Think of who Jesus used to get the Message out to the world—He used simple fisherman. He used people who had betrayed Him. He wasn't looking for the most eloquent speaker or the most educated to share His message—He was simply looking for people who would be obedient to the calling to share. 

Honestly, I've used the mentality of "let my life be my testimony" method when in reality, I lack the courage of speaking out—of allowing His message to escape my inadequate lips. I also feel there must be a million other more capable people to spread His Word, and that's because I also fail to remember the lesson behind Chip's message: the power is in the gospel! This levels the playing field and equips all of us who believe to have the ability to share, knowing God will handle the rest. 

I don't know about you, but that takes a lot of pressure off for me. I don't see myself as being a great evangelist with a host of hungry hearts hanging onto my every word—but that's okay! I don't have a best seller out there, even though I do enjoy writing—but that's okay! I don't have a large platform of people, but if I obediently share with the few in my circle of influence then God can bless that. That's because it's His Word and He doesn't need me to do anything spectacular, the gospel is spectacular on It's own! 

So if you have days like I do, where you feel unable or unsure that you have much of a voice when it comes to sharing the gospel, don't let that discourage you. Instead, pray that God will open opportunity for you to speak to even just one. If only one person came to salvation through your simple obedience to share the message, then God did a great work through your obedience. We don't need big. We don't need fanfare. The gospel is where the power is; it's not in us. Today I challenge you to pray for courage to share this Good News—even if it's just with one person. Pray that God will equip you as the messenger, and that His power will work through the Message of the Gospel, transforming lives. What a privilege it is to share the best news we know!

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples (Psalm 96:3, ESV)!
And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation (Mark 16:15, ESV).
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16, ESV).

Dear Heavenly Father, equip us as messengers to share Your Message, and may we remember that the power lies within the gospel, not ourselves. In Your name we pray, Amen!

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