Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Power of Kindness

She felt defeated- bruised, and down on herself. From being the kid that never did anything that pleased her parents, to feeling like a failure as a wife, her self-esteem was at an all-time low. She found respite in food and tacked on unwanted pounds. This only made her feel worse about herself in the end, even though food gave her short-lived comfort. It didn't matter that she was an excellent mom. It didn't matter that she had a high I.Q. Inside, she was hurting and desperately insecure. Her husband didn't help with his negativity and absence of compliments. Was she seen? Did anyone appreciate her? 

When this woman met Jesus through the pages of a self-help book, she clung to Him with a desperation she never experienced before. He promised her love without conditions. He said she was beautiful—a masterpiece of His making. He told her she had purpose—words she longed to hear. A purpose bigger than mopping the floors and washing clothes. And He taught her about fellowship, friendship, and worship. In time, she found a place that followed Jesus and biblical doctrine. She met people that instantly showed her love and acceptance. She began to flourish under their love, attention, and care. 

It started with God, yes, but it also started with appreciation from others. "Thank you for being so helpful", some would say. "You look beautiful today!" "You are such a blessing to our group, and we are so thankful to have you with us here." Little sentences that took minimal effort, yet they were building up a broken woman. This story is fictional, and in no way represents my own story. However, we all need to be mindful of those who need a word of encouragement. We often won't know the power our words of love will have in someone's life. Don't be stingy with building people up. If you think kind thoughts, just say them!
Having dealt with infidelity, I see, and experienced, how security is stripped away as a result of betrayal. I cannot tell you how healing it was to hear kind words from others, and how it bandaged hurtful thoughts placed in my head by none other than Satan. We see it said on social media often: "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about." This is such a true statement, and one we need to not only "like", but put into practice. We are given an opportunity countless times a day, to encourage someone. Say the good things you think. Give a hug. Speak to those who visit your place of worship, and make them feel special. Let people know they matter. And in doing so, we are being like Jesus- loving and living to bring joy, peace, and healing to others. So in case you wondered, and need to hear this today- you are treasured. You are beautiful. You are so loved. Never forget that, my friend.

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 ESV
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 ESV
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14 ESV
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. Psalm 63:3 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to really see others with eyes like Yours. Help us to build up one another, and show kindness and appreciation to everyone we meet. Thank You Father, for loving us despite our many failures and shortcomings, and for always making us feel welcome in Your presence. In Your precious name we pray, Amen!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Emergency Plans

     Driving down the road today, I saw a billboard that spoke to me. Not really for what it was intended for, but it stood out all the same. I was driving to Hobby Lobby, (because who doesn't just love that store?), when I saw a sign urging us to have an emergency plan in place. The sign simply said : Don't wait. Communicate! Make your emergency plan. The sign featured a home in ruins, likely from storm or fire damage. It's a very practical call to speak with our families about safety plans before disaster strikes. What a great reminder, and one we should follow. I found this sign to be important and relevant- but my mind went to storms that are not as physical in nature.
     American families today are the busiest they've ever been. Our kids play sports. Travel teams are all the rage- we want them to have the best training, but there is a cost. They dance. They play piano. We run them to gymnastics. There are countless school events we must attend. Social media wars for our attention. Many families have both parents working- building our careers demands time. Church responsibilities are important, and we try to attend each service or event. Dinner tables, with all family members present, are few and far between. We shove a million little things into each day, then collapse at the end; exhausted and disconnected from the most important things- our marriages, our families, and God. We simply don't have time anymore, and it's a heartbreaking trend.
     People have asked me, "Ruth, what led to the breakdown of your marriage? What went wrong?" One of the most painful and surprising answers is this- we simply were too busy to properly communicate. This causes a disconnect that is easy to miss at first, but becomes increasingly dangerous over time. Can I urge you, dear friends and readers- invest in your families, invest in your children, but never at the expense of your marriage. It is vital to allow open spaces of time to just enjoy the company of your spouse. This is impossible if you cram your day full of activity.
     If you're like the average American, you're likely swamped. You don't really have the time to enjoy with your spouse, the way you should. It sounds nice, but where can you squeeze that into your already full schedule? If there is one lesson my husband and I have learned in this phase of a restored marriage, it's learning to say no. We don't have to do everything. We don't need to be everywhere, at everything. Our kids don't have to do all the things. But what we do need, is to preserve "us". If we allow our communication to suffer, our marriage will suffer. So today, make an emergency plan. You don't want to be like that picture of a house destroyed. Today, in this moment, take every step possible to communicate regularly with your spouse and your children. Satan wishes to begin the process of destruction in our marriages- in fact, he may have already started with yours. What will you do about it? Don't turn a blind eye, and refuse to acknowledge the war against us. Say no. Stay home. Sit down together and just talk. Say, "I love you". Touch one another. Tear down the walls that you've built up from over-committing. It's war- one you can win, with God's help, and a simple plan to be available and engaged in one another's lives.  

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ESV
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV
Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. Proverbs 23:4 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive us for allowing so much into our lives, that we are putting our marriages, family and our relationship with You, in jeopardy. Equip us with the will to say "no", and invest in what really matters. Thank You, Father, for giving us our families, but give us wisdom in what we allow in them. It's so easy to fall into the trap Satan has laid out for our relationships, and find ourselves empty, dissatisfied and disconnected. Open our eyes, Lord, and may we really see the cost of our choices. In Your precious name we pray, Amen!

Monday, September 16, 2019

What are You Made Of?

     So, you're a Christian, and you're not afraid to say you are, but are you afraid to live like one? Like, really live like one. Not just attending your place of worship, reading the Bible occasionally and offering up prayers when you need something- I'm talking about much more than that. It's easy to proclaim something, but much harder to live something.
     In my recent study on the book of Daniel, I was amazed at the courage a few simple Jews displayed in light of the powerful, pagan King of Babylon. Take Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These men were faced with a very tough decision- bow and worship the golden image made by the hands of men, or refuse to worship any god beside their Yahweh. The cost of refusing to obey the King's command meant they would be thrown into a fiery furnace, ensuring their certain death. Then there was Daniel. He could obey the King's decree that they should only bow down to him, or face being thrown into the lion's den for praying to God. These were hungry lions- vicious and strong. 
     What was it like for them in that moment, refusing to kneel before that image? And for Daniel- boldly praying in view of critical eyes? What kind of faith drew these men to willingly face a fiery furnace, or a den of lions? These aren't just stories; they are real-life encounters carefully recorded in biblical history. Place yourself in their shoes. Do you have the courage and the faith to willingly face certain death for God? Do you have the faith to believe that He can deliver you from these circumstances that are seemingly impossible to survive? 
     I love how these men believed God would deliver them. It may be easy to believe it when they were safely away from the fire and lions. But in the moment they were led to that fiery furnace and those hungry lions, they could have chosen, right then, to renounce their faith and save themselves. But they didn't. I think of myself in that moment, and I pray to have the same faith, obedience, and courage that these men displayed.
     In light of what they faced, I'm ashamed at the lesser trials I've shied away from out of fear. I've faced difficulties far easier than a fiery furnace or a hungry pack of lions- and I've complained. I've said, "It's not fair!" I've walked away, rather than boldly walked forward. I've argued my case for avoiding hard situations, wishing to be happy and comfortable instead. I've chosen to remain stagnant in this place of comfort and security, refusing to step out in blind faith. And I don't want to stay here- even though it feels nice, safe, and secure. Because "easy" won't allow me to experience the growth God desires for me. 
     Friend- are you afraid? Do you wish for the courage of a Daniel? Are you tired and frustrated with living in your comfortable space, free from any real cost? Maybe God will lead you through fire- I've been there a time or two, and it's a painful place to be. I bet you've been there, too. But my guess is that we will be faced with more. What will you do when the fire returns? Will you run, or will you stay? Will you trust Him to see you through, or will you be angry and bitter that He allowed it? Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all delivered from certain death because of their great faith. We may not be delivered the way we hope to be, but we know He will deliver us. "Lord, give us courage to have faith with real substance- not a faith that fears!"

     Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, "O
     Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If 
     this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the 
     burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
     But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your
     gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." (Daniel
     3:16-18 ESV).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What Keeps You Up at Night?

     What is your "I can't sleep" solution? Do you count sheep? Pray until you fall asleep? Do you take a Tylenol PM or melatonin to try to catch your Z's? From my earliest memories, I recall lying in bed with numerous thoughts running through my head, disrupting my sleep. I bet many can relate, and have spent countless night hours staring at the ceiling, simply thinking. My mind is a busy place. Even when my body is exhausted, my brain finds the energy to keep going- often over negative thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Other times, it just doesn't want to be quiet and can't seem to settle down from the activity and interactions of my day.
     Relationships cause many of my sleepless hours. "Mom moments" I would love to forget. Kid choices that cause concern and frustration. Friend conversations that didn't go the way I expected. Foolish words that were spoken that I would love to retract. Periods of time when my husband and I weren't connecting. These are some of the issues that spin through my mind in the darkness of the night. Then there are even bigger things- health problems, finances, spiritual battles, and painful breeches in relationships that steal peace and sleep. In those moments, I desperately need to feel God's presence with me.
     When my husband left home for a little over a year, sleep often eluded me. What should I do? What should I say? Where will I go? How will things end up? Between prayer and Fixer Upper, I would eventually find rest, but often not nearly as much as my body needed. I often wonder about menopause and our kids growing into early adulthood- how are we supposed to ever get good rest? I made a list of scriptures that point us to the only plausible answer- the presence of our Heavenly Father in the middle of all of it. 
     What is keeping you awake at night? Do you have concerns regarding your children? Is your marriage in a state that is causing you stress and fear? Is your career giving you anxiety? Are looming health issues eating away at your peace? Is your family in the middle of a messy battle? Whatever it is, it's eating at you, and robbing you of peace, sleep, and the joy and contentment God wants us to experience, even through our difficult seasons. And in the middle of the blackness and stillness of night, these problems seem insurmountable. And then after a restless nights sleep, we wake and remember this promise from our Father- "His mercies never come to an end; great is Your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV). 
     Friends- we know He is with us in our worries and fears, yet we often don't acknowledge His infinite ability to handle our stresses. Our enemy, the devil, seeks to disrupt our sleep and our lives with doubts and fears that our problems are too big for God to conquer. In the end, our worries only accomplish one thing- they rob us of our faith that He is willing and able to handle them for us. I am so guilty of this far too often. I wish I could write from a place of victory, but I simply can't. I struggle too. And each night that I find myself staring at the ceiling with a heavy mind, I can only do one thing- hand it all over to my Heavenly Father who is far more capable than me to take care of it all. Dear Jesus, I thank You that no matter how many times I fall into this trap, You always meet me there and rescue me!

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8 ESV
It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil, for he gives to his beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2 ESV
I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the LORD sustained me. Psalm 3:5 ESV
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess so often failing to trust You with my problems, and instead, worrying late into the morning hours. My worry and fears don't accomplish anything good, so help me Father, in those moments, to truly give them over to You, allowing me to rest in Your perfect ability to handle them for me. In Your precious name I pray, Amen!


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

No Way Out!

     We often like to think we are highly-committed people, but many times, we find it so easy to throw in the towel and quit. Take dieting, for instance. I often find myself setting goals, only to throw them out the window for a piece of warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream, or a Chick-fil-A sandwich with a frosted coffee. I planned to have a little, boring cup of  greek yogurt, but my hunger spoke louder than my good sense. The most important aspect of being successful in weight loss, is a commitment to sticking it out- and sometimes, I simply cave. 
     The same is true within a marriage. There are so many tools we can apply in our marriages that will help to better them- love, grace, understanding, patience, kindness, actions that support our words, a listening ear, a servant's heart, honesty, respect and so much more! But without commitment, those tools simply aren't enough. If we don't believe in the vows we made, "as long as we both shall live", we are in hot water! A marriage lacking in commitment is in trouble. 
     Apart from abuse, viewing our marriage as permanent is crucial to its health. In my own marriage, for almost two and a half decades, we were both completely committed to one other. It was understood that we would always be together, as long as God gave us. But in a very short time, Satan opened up the door to a "way out". He whispered lies that separated us. He provided a recipe for marital disaster. And as soon as commitment was in question, we found ourselves suffering the consequences of allowing this thought process to invade and destroy. 
     Why is it important to God that we honor our marriage, and stay committed? God has patterned marriage after His relationship with us- His children. He calls our relationship with Him a marriage. We are His Bride, and He is our bridegroom. How serious is God's commitment to His people? Does He change His mind about us when we fail Him? Does He decide He likes someone better than us, and abandon us? Does He grow tired of us, and long for someone better? No! God is faithfully committed to us, and that will never change. Even when we are the most unlovable.We never have to worry about where He is, or if He will stick around. He is always with us, and He always will be. If our marriage is to be a picture of that relationship He has with us, then we should have a clear picture of why He values our marital commitment, and wants us to remain faithful to one another. 
     While I may sometimes stink at staying committed to a healthy diet, I need to make sure I don't lose sight of being committed in my marriage. Some days will be hard. Some seasons will seem almost impossible. Some moments will crush my heart. But most won't. Most have been enjoyable, comfortable, wonderful, fulfilling and full of wonderful memories. But even on the days when those seem far from reach, may God give me a heart of commitment to my husband. If I want my marriage to succeed, and I most certainly do, then I have to believe there isn't a way out. Not because I'm trapped, but because God has a plan for the two of us, and if I quit, I'll miss out on whatever it is. And in the process, I would tarnish the picture of God's love for His children. Friend- let's not say we are stuck in our marriages when we consider commitment. Instead, let's stay committed- focused on being the very best spouse for our partner. Even on the hard days. Even when we don't want to- we stay. Because God stays with us. 

If a man vows a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. Numbers 30:2 ESV
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 ESV
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, it's easy to stay committed when things are great, and life is good. But on the harder days, we often want to quit. Give us the strength and courage to remain committed to our marriages- even when they don't look the way we hoped. Help us to be a picture of grace when grace is needed, and help our marriage to reflect your relationship with us. Lord, even when it seems impossible, we know there is always a way, because You are with us. In Your name, we pray, Amen!