Saturday, June 27, 2020

Is Covid19 dividing God's People?

     The more time I spend on social media these days, the more discouraged I feel. Not only is our country at war-over this virus and racism, but the church is also experiencing division based on the handling of these sensitive issues. From the wearing, or not wearing, of masks, to the decision of how we should be worshipping, and to the outrage over racial comments, it's clear that we are under attack from no other than Satan. The church has always been his target- that isn't news to us, but the way this whole thing is going down is very concerning to many of us.
     I've never seen a people so bent on their freedom of doing whatever it is they want to do. Government mandates mean nothing these days, and there is little to be done about those who wish to violate the orders given to us. As christians, this should shame us. "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God" (Romans 13:1). When we consider this scripture, we should be convicted to follow the mandates set before us by our governing authorities, and by obeying them, we please our God. If we are asked to wear a mask, then wearing one is pleasing to God, and considerate of our fellow believers and the watching world.
     We also have the authority of our church leaders to consider. My prayer, and my hope is that each leader is gleaning the opinions and desires of each one of their sheep. Decisions should not be based on personal opinions, but for the good of the whole body under their authority. Be sensitive to the issues at hand. Be mindful of the safety of the flock. By taking each person's thoughts and feelings into consideration, your sheep are so much happier to follow you. Many an issue has divided churches, and this one seems like one of the bigger issues we have faced in recent years. "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you" (Hebrews 13:7). Our church leaders are facing big decisions-we must respect them. 
     Ever since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been out to destroy anything that will bring glory to God. It causes my heart to shudder when I think of how thrilled he must be as he watches us deal with the situations at hand. Brother turning on brother. People refusing to worship. Leaders refusing to make their church a safe place. People refusing to follow the mandates of our government. Hurt feelings. Selfishness. Pride. Saints withdrawing from the fellowship of other believers. Fear. Paranoia. Anger. God-help us see You in the middle of all of this, beckoning us to follow You through it all. Help us to recognize the selfishness and pride in our own hearts, and abandon anything that divides God's people. Help us to toss out our own agenda, and remember the importance of seeking to live out Your purpose in our lives. Help us to listen with compassion to others. Help us to lead by example, and be a bright testimony bringing glory to our Heavenly Father.
     Father-forgive us for our straying hearts. Shine Your Light through the darkness and evil in the world around us. Help us to keep it out of the doors of Your individual testimonies. Deliver us from the attack of the evil one, and give us clear minds and hearts, willing to always build up and encourage others. You are a good Father, and we are Your people. We stray, and we fail You so often-but in this, we pray that our hearts would turn to You for direction. May each who watches us, see only You~ 


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