As the 31st of July approaches at the speed of a freight train, we are all about wedding planning around here. As the family of the groom, we certainly have less on our plates to handle, but there is still a lot going on to prepare for the big day. From rehearsal dinner menus and guest lists, to all the right clothing for the family, that's just the start to what we've been up to. The thing is, wedding planning is pretty fun, even though it's also pretty expensive. But if no effort is put into the planning, the day won't go smoothly and it wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable for the bride, groom or any of the guests.
All of this commotion has got me thinking about something, though. As special as this wedding is, it pales in comparison to the wedding we will be a part of as believers in Christ Jesus. This celebration just gives a small peek into something much bigger and much more meaningful—the wedding where all of us are the Bride of Christ. The one really big difference is this: the Groom did most of the work and this work was costly beyond our scope of understanding.
In order for us to be a part of the bride of Christ, we had to be redeemed. This redemption cost God His only Son, Jesus, dying on the cross to offer us all the priceless gift of salvation. After His death, He was resurrected and ascended into Heaven where He went to prepare a place for us—you, me and every believer in Christ. He stated that He would "go to prepare a mansion for us." And so we can trust that this is exactly what He is doing as we wait here for Him to rapture His church. So we can see how He is doing His part to bring us into the marriage celebration in Heaven, but what about me? What about you? What are we doing to prepare for that wedding in the sky?
In all honesty, it's humbling to admit that I am not preparing at the same feverish pitch as I am for my son's wedding. It's like I think I have my whole life to prepare—but we have no idea how long we have before God calls us home. I have today, I have now, but that's all I can be sure of. So in these days or moments or years, I need to be preparing for my Groom—but what does that look like?
We put a lot of focus on the Bride in our worldly weddings. Their dress, hair, make-up and jewelry are all well thought out. We hire stylists and make-up artists. We get alterations until the dress fits perfectly. We shop around until we find the perfect pair of shoes. All of this is important, but quite different from how we prepare for our heavenly Bridegroom. Our preparation involves work on our hearts and our willing obedience to living to serve our Lord.
Should Jesus call us home today—or if it is your last day here, how do you look from our Groom's perspective? While His blood covers our sin and cleanses us, we still are responsible for how we lived and loved. Would you feel prepared to meet Him today, or would you feel regret at misplaced attention on less important things? This gives me pause as I write this, because it's clear to me that I have much more I wish to do for the Lord and yet I'm pouring a great deal of attention in places that don't reap an eternal reward.
I'm looking forward to July 31st—for sure. It's a day to celebrate these two people we love and their love for one another. But the day will come when I will meet my own heavenly Bridegroom—Jesus. I want to be ready for that day, and I don't want to feel unprepared when I stand before Him. And so I have work to do to prepare for that wedding in Heaven—I have serving and following and loving left to do in abundance. Not for my sake, no, but for the purpose of fulfilling my calling in the family of Christ.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also (John 14:3, ESV).
Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure"—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are the true words of God (Revelation 19:7-9, ESV)."
Dear Heavenly Father, help us be more aware of the preparation we should be doing as we prepare to be called home to You. The biggest wedding celebration ever will be our wedding to You–our Perfect and Precious Bridegroom. May it not be true that we stand before You fully unprepared with empty hands and hallow hearts. In Your name we pray, Amen!