Saturday, January 12, 2019

Sharing Brain Space with the Enemy

     I love when my husband is thinking good things about me. I love when he is thinking of our kids, our friends, our family members, or our two crazy dogs. These are safe people to have in his brain, and I am happy to share brain space with them. I especially love when he allows God to share a spot in there with us. But I can firmly say I hated the enemy taking residence in there, threatening my peace and sanity.
     For me, one of the harder things to process in the face of infidelity, was my own thoughts. Where was he? What is he doing? What does she look like? Why is he doing this? Is she better than me? Is he telling the truth? Will he come home? How did this happen? Why is God allowing this? Why do other people get to have faithful marriages, but I don't? Will my kids be okay? So many questions swirled around my brain and caused anxiety and fear. I longed for the days of security and peace. 
     As Christians, how can we deal with these painful thoughts, and allow peace to rule in our hearts and minds? Some days, I wasn't able to remove them from continually invading my mind. Over and over I would take them to my Heavenly Father, then have them assault me again. These thoughts are ugly and turn our focus on what we have been blessed with, to our problems. The days I struggled the most, I tried to shift my focus by staying busy. That would work as long as I was busy, but those night hours in the dark were the absolute worst. 
     How many of you go to bed and spend the night in deep despair, worrying over things that may not even happen? In the dark of the night, they seem certain and filled with doom. Anxiety makes it hard to breathe well, and sleep evades us. Then the light filters in, and the house begins to stir, and you realize your problems aren't quite so bad. That is not to make light of what we are dealing with, but we often feel most negative in our thought patterns in the middle of the night. 
     While I think it's impossible to stop the thoughts from invading us, I do think we can make choices on what we do with them. What worked best for me was to speak them to the Lord, and ask Him for help. Each time I thought something painful, I asked Him to help me, or comfort me. I allowed myself to cry when I needed to, knowing He cared for me and sorrowed with me. While Satan longed to get comfortable in my brain, I shooed him away with whispers to Jesus. We don't like sharing brain space in our spouse's mind with the enemy, but we also don't want to open ours to the enemy and allow his lies to jade us. Jesus speaks truth, and I choose to listen. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 ESV
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV
When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. Psalm 94:19 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me to keep my perspective based on truth, and not the lies and fear of Satan. Help me to share my fears with You, and allow You to replace them with peace only You can give. I want my thoughts to be on things that are honorable, and just, and pure. In the darkness of night, when the enemy tries to steal my sleep with fear, give me rest. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!


  1. Philippians 4:8 is a scripture I held on to through my darkest days. I realized that embracing the pain and continuing to praise Jesus defeated the enemy and helped me overcome my fear and anxiety.

  2. So true, Lorie. His Word is so powerful, and gives such help and hope <3
