Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday Relationship Tips- Making Time

     Have you ever longed for a couple days, way back then? Before cell phones, tv, dishwashers, cars, internet, and washing machines? I know- lots of manual work we aren't used to doing ourselves. But I'm talking about time when life was simpler and less crammed full of activity. While we have all the luxuries to make our work shorter, we aren't benefitting from them in the form of leisure. With all of the time I save from having a dishwasher or washing machine and dryer, I will find fillers for the time I saved. This is the way of modern day living, and there are some pretty steep consequences involved.
     Relationships are suffering from lack of making time for them. We like to think we are doing good things by filling our day to the brim, but in the end, we are paying a high price. While there is a place for work, studying, running errands, and exercising, if they leave no time for prioritizing our relationships with those we love and our relationship with the Lord, we need to find things to cross off our list. 
     We are busy people, and we like to point out to others just how busy we are. Can you imagine if you spoke to someone, and asked how life was and they told you this? "Well, I went to work today and made time to sit down and talk with my wife for a while. We ate dinner and then took a walk together, just enjoying the day and each other's company. We came home and played a game with our kids and then had some devotion time together before we turned in a little early." You might think to yourself, wow- wish that was my life, it sounds so easy and almost lazy. Instead, we wake up and check social media. We work out and grab coffee and a granola bar on the run. We work and we pack up more work to bring home with us. We drive the kids to practice and try to make all their games. We rush around and try to squeeze in church and some yard work. Then we crash in bed and start all over again the next day.
     This frenzied pace doesn't allow for cultivating relationships. I'm serious when I suggest looking for things to cross off the list. Being an overachiever can make you an underachiever with your spouse, or in any close relationship. In my own marriage, I can look back and see how being too busy resulted in a relational disconnect. Make time for those you love and care for. And make time for growing in your relationship with Christ. When we make our spiritual journey a priority, we can see with clarity the importance of the choices we are making. We all have things we can cross off our list- even something as simple as setting a limit on social media, or a television time limit. When we show those we love that they have a place of prominence in our time, it builds the relationship up, rather than tear it down. What will you cross off your list today?

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, Hebrews 10:24 ESV
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10 ESV
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of time. I pray You will give me wisdom on how I spend it, and that I will make time for not only knowing more about You, but that I'll spend it loving others and making them a priority. Help me to have the discipline to cross things off of my list that are keeping me from connecting effectively with those I love. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

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