Friday, March 1, 2019

Warning Label

     What if God gave us warning labels ahead of our sin, to help us more clearly see the disastrous result of our poor choices? Do you think we would proceed with what we wanted to do if we had a clearer picture of what our choice would cost? I think we may look at our sin differently, but I also think we get stuck in a selfish pattern of wanting what we want, regardless of what God has to say about it. This past summer, I wrote an article through a counseling exercise regarding a warning label for my husband's infidelity. I wanted to share a little of it, even though we find it painful to read now:

"You will feel disappointed with things as you get to be middle-aged. Did I do all the things I wanted to do before I was old? You’ll feel like you missed out on things you deserved and you’ll begin forgetting about Me, and about her. You’ll believe you are an exception to the rule and will be able to handle some harmless flirtation. The other guys do it, why can’t you? Who will know, and who would find out? You’ll stuff down My voice and My Word will get dog hair and dust on the cover. Flirtation will turn a little more serious, and you’ll ignore My warnings. You’ll lie to your wife and the people you love and care about. You’ll call her on your way home from work each day and build a relationship you have no business building. You’ll build all around your lust, and your family I blessed you with will fall like shattered glass. You will fail them. You won’t be there for them the way they always thought you would be. You’ll tell them lies about where you are and what you are doing and you’ll try not to hear Me.  You were once respected by all who knew you, but your lustful choices will bring you down. You are broken and weak and you still won’t listen to My voice. You will walk away from your family and leave your wife and children feeling vulnerable. You will destroy what was, with your selfish ways and insensitivity, but your focus is on yourself now. I warned you from the start that you had no business going down this path, but you didn’t listen to Me. You wanted your way. You can turn back and make things right, but you must love Me more than anyone- including yourself. Satan sent this woman- not Me. You forget the good plans I have for you and you will never find happiness serving your selfish desires. Had you read this warning label before you started down this road, would you have chosen differently? My love is for you, and I call to you still. Will you listen? I love you, My son, and I always will. Turn back to Me, and let Me show you the path to true joy and happiness." 

     When I found this the other day, I was struck with how good God is! Just like a loving parent, He speaks and urges us to listen. He longs to forgive us and offer grace when we ignore our warning labels- and I am guilty. If God is warning you today, friend, about a particular struggle you are facing, take time to really think it through and count the cost. 

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 ESV
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 ESV
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12 ESV

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for how often I ignore Your voice whispering words of wisdom in the face of my foolish, sinful choices. How thankful I am for Your wonderful grace- so undeserved yet such a gift. Help me to listen closer to Your voice, and to stay actively engaged in Your Word to protect from Satan's targets against me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

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